Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Life is so very fragile.  You can be here today and gone tomorrow.  We are all so busy living our lives to the fullest, taking on way to many obligations than we probably should.  Finding balance for work and play and family has become increasingly difficult.  Even with family members, we try to spend time with our parents, our siblings, our children and our spouses or significant others.  But sadly there is only so much time every day and we can only be in one place at a time.  If only the times were different and we could all have super powers so we could be with them all at the same time.  Life has a certain order and we all assume our lives will happen in that order.  Today, most people probably assume they will live to be about eighty years old.  We think we have lots of time, but unfortunately we should all live everyday as if it was our last and with no regrets.  As couples we are told to never go to bed angry and as time goes on I realize how true that is.  It just isn't worth it to spend our time fighting or being angry with anyone we love or anyone who is a part of our lives.  The tragic loss of my eighteen year old nephew has made me take a closer look at life.  We expect the first funerals we will attend will be for our parents not our children.  My sister has just experienced every parent's worst nightmare of losing her child.  I want to live my life with no regrets.  I want my loved ones to know how much I love them.  I want to make my dreams come true today.  I want to live to be at least eighty but now realize I might not.  The reality has set in that any of us can be gone tomorrow.

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